What is the Difference Between Chinese and European Gold Leaf?

Other than cost, is there a difference between Chinese and European metal and gold leaf?

In short, YES. There are several key differences between gold leaf manufactured in Europe and that produced in China. These differences include the size of the leaf, the thickness, the alloy blend, and the ratio of gold content to other alloys (typically silver and copper).

What is the difference between European and Chinese leaf?

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About European Gold Leaf

  • Size: The standard square size of European gold leaf is 85mm or 3 3/8" square.
  • Thickness: The thickness of the leaf is approximately 0.3-0.5 microns.
  • Density: The density of the leaf, measured in grams by the weight of gold per 1000 leaves, is a crucial factor. European gold leaf can be produced with a variety of gram weights to suit specific project needs. This gram weight is determined by the weight of 1000 leaves of 3 3/8 inch square gold leaf and relates more to the 'density' of the leaf rather than thickness. Each leaf is beaten to approximately 0.5 microns thick. The weight changes by the amount of gold content per leaf.
    • Example: A European 23kt gold leaf weighs 16 grams per 1000 leaves. This higher density means the leaf is firmer, less likely to tear, and may show less wrinkling in the final product, depending on your gilding technique.
  • Suitability: European gold leaf is perfectly suited for exterior applications and any project requiring a higher level of luster and brilliance.

About Chinese Gold Leaf

  • Size: The standard square size of Chinese gold leaf is 80mm or 3 1/8" square.
  • Thickness: The thickness of the leaf is approximately 0.3-0.5 microns, similar to European gold leaf.
  • Density: Chinese gold leaf typically has a lower density compared to European gold leaf. This is also measured in grams by the weight of gold per 1000 leaves.
    • Example: A Chinese 23kt gold leaf weighs 13 grams per 1000 leaves. This lower density means the leaf is less firm and more prone to tearing and wrinkling, depending on your gilding technique.
  • Comparison: European gold leaf, being denser, is firmer and shows less wrinkling, making it more suitable for projects requiring durability and a high-quality finish.

And the winner is?

Make a choice based on your specific project requirements

Not every job requires the 'good' stuff, likewise, many projects must only be that!

  • European Gold Leaf: Larger size (85mm), higher density (16 grams per 1000 leaves for 23kt), firmer, less prone to tearing and wrinkling, suitable for high-luster projects and exterior applications.
  • Chinese Gold Leaf: Smaller size (80mm), lower density (13 grams per 1000 leaves for 23kt), more prone to tearing and wrinkling, suitable for projects where cost is a significant factor.

By understanding these differences, you can make a more informed choice about which type of gold leaf is best suited for your specific gilding project. Whether you prioritize durability and a flawless finish or cost-effectiveness, selecting the right gold leaf can significantly impact the quality and longevity of your work.

Same leaf Different packaging

What's the difference between Loose leaf, Patent or transfer leaf and Ribbon leaf?

It's all in the packaging! This video shows it all. Essentially the leaf is all the same, it's just packaged differently.